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Laurealainen pedagogiikka LbD – Pedagogical model in Laurea: LbD in English

Learning by Developing (LbD) is a competence based pedagogical model created in Laurea. The core is in authentic workplace projects, research and partnership. LbD can be put into practice with various forms of teaching.

LbD in a nutshell

What is Laurea's Learning byt Developing Model -videon etusivu. Kuva linkki videoon.

Video: What is Laurea's Pedagogical Model? Laurea UAS, 2024. (2:06 min). Video opens in YouTube.

Pedagogical guidelines, LbD briefly and the Pedagogical programme 2023-2025, includes a video.


In the LbD model, teachers guide and support learning. They give space for students to find their own solutions. Teaching includes working life partnerships. Teachers ensure that research information is included in the development projects to be combined with the latest work knowledge from project partners. LbD enables multidisciplinary cooperation also among teachers.


Students are active actors in the LbD-model. They apply theoretical knowledge to practice and learn in authentic work projects. Simultaneously teamwork and problem-solving skills as well as creative thinking strengthen. Networks are created during studies, which helps finding a job.

Workplace collaboration

LbD projects offer partners the opportunity to collaborate with Laurea also on a long-term basis. Students bring new perspectives and ideas to workplaces, which benefits developing the organization. Collaboration might result into new motivated employees with suitable skills. Partners can tell what kind of future skills should the students master in the future.  

How to find more?

Laurea publications are in Theseus repository.                 


The LbD guide is updated by Information specialist Kaisa Puttonen, Laurea Information and Publication services.


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