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Google Scholar & SFX: in English

Google Scholar and Laurea SFX links

Searching Google Scholar returns often links to articles that are not freely available. By activating Laurea SFX links you'll find out directly in Google Scholar if an article is available through Laurea Library license. Follow these instructions.


Activate SFX-links in Google Scholar

  1. Go to Google Scholar  and click the three horizontal lines in top left corner
  2. Choose Settings > Library links > Type Laurea > Choose Laurea -> Click Save


How to find and use the SFX links

  • After you've done the activation, you can find Fulltext: sfx@Laurea -links appearing in GS search results

  • Clicking  a SFX link will take you to a SFX Menu page. On SFX Menu page you can find a list of databases (one or many) through which the article is available for Laurea students and staff.
  • Click any of the database names
  • Laurea Haka login page will open. Log in by using your Laurea username and password.
  • You'll be taken to the web page where you can read the article


Not working?

  • If you have problems with the SFX links and opening the articles contact the library: library(at)







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