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Guide to Project Data Management

What happens to data after the project?

What happens to the data after the project is finished?

Laurea Data Catalog metadata Laurea's goal is that the basic data for all projects will be entered into the Laurea Data Catalogue, from where the data will be transferred to the national Science and Research Portal. This does not mean that all data should be opened, but only information about the data generated will be entered into the Datakatalogue. Read the instructions here.

Final processing and open access publishing of data

Laurea's principle is in line with the European Commission's guidance: as open as possible, as closed as necessary. This section of the guide looks at what is done with the actual data after the active option of the project has ended. The options are as follows:

  •     Data is published openly in a data repository
  •     Data is stored in Laurea's K-Station
  •     The data is destroyed when it is no longer needed for publication.

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